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Roar out your stress

When was the last time you let out a big roar? How often as adults do we get the opportunity to roar out the stresses of modern day life or make noise to express ourselves in a creative way?

Exhaling sound can be a revitalising and non-verbal way to move energy, release stresses and clear space for clarity.

roaring and releasing stress

In our signature Fawe workshops we encourage and welcome you to unleash a primal roar 'Haaaaahhaaa', let out a loud exhale and release any sounds that want to come out during the movement sequences. ⁠Why you ask? Well…sometimes deep conversations, breathwork and meditation aren't profound enough. To avoid emotional stagnation manifesting into something destructive, it is truly important to release our tensions, frustrations, worries, fears and overwhelming emotions out into the world.


My early practice of this, was when I was a kid and would let out a scream into a pillow. It was profound for my sanity when I found it hard to express fully my emotions as a child or everything just got a little bit too overwhelming for my tiny body.


It is really paramount for both men and women to show vulnerability and express our emotions… and sometimes legible words just aren't quite enough.


I feel it is greatly important for us to shout, roar, scream and show our expression through this powerful release. To create more space for creativity, peace and loving thoughts. 

Let out a roar, how do you feel afterwards? It may take a few rounds to build up to your full primal roar but trust me it will come. 


Join your next Fawe class and roar loudly with others.


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