'Dare to live by letting go'
-Tom Althouse
The art of surrender and letting go of what you can't control can be incredibly difficult but, it can also be quite liberating.
How would you feel if you let go? And surrender to allowing things to play their course?
Currently, some things in my personal life have somewhat felt out of my control and when my laptop also decided that it had reached the end of the road - work plans too had been flipped upside down. My previous response may have been to feel upset, disappointed and to criticise myself for what I could or should of done differently.
However, this time I chose to greet it with surrender energy.
Surrendering to thing's I can't control
Learning to surrender to the unknown
Letting go of the weight I had been carrying
Finding peace with what I have
And welcoming gratitude with what will be.

Surrender = Complete acceptance of what is and let go of resistance. It's not about inaction. It's about taking action from that place of surrender energy.
For example, when I am aware I'm in control mode, I imagine that I'm in a small boat paddling upstream, against the current. It's hard. It's a fight. That's what control mode feels like to me. When I choose to let go and surrender, I visualise the boat turning around, dropping the oars, and floating downstream. I'm being gently pulled, no effort necessary on my part. Breathing and saying, “Let go of the oars and I am being carried where I need to go."
If you too have felt like you have been carrying a lot on your shoulders, feeling you aren't in control of things around you or overwhelmed with the expectations and high standards we sometimes set for ourselves - firstly, may I send you a big virtual hug your way and to say it is okay to let go. You do not have to do it all on your own, you don't have to have it all figured out and you are an amazing resilient warrior!
When things start to feel too much, a cathartic practice can take the edge off and overall can feel great in your body and mind. You can try a releasing shrug.
I invite you to stand tall with your feet wide and feet slightly turned out. Bend your knees into a squat bring arms down in front. Stand tall and shrug shoulders down as you throw your arms behind. You can combine this with your breath and with sound. Inhale down, exhale or a haa as you stand tall.
A visualisation I think about, is shrugging off a really heavy coat. Every shrug and throw of the arms back, combine this with a releasing exhale or haa sound. When I do this practice, I imagine with each shrug I am shedding anything that feels like it is weighing me down and letting go of anything I have been carrying with me.
Repeat as many times as you need. Seal off the practice by bringing your hands to your heart, close your eyes and when you are ready let out a big sigh.
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